What do you think your therapists do?

Kaviyakavi Baskaran
2 min readOct 10, 2020

Do you think they talk to you "just" for an hour and forget about you?

No! They carry burdens of our mind right after making us feel worthy and better about our existence.

This is about my experience from every session I attended 4 years ago!

That was my first year at the hostel and had the world's most toxic warden. I was body shamed, shouted at every morning for others mistakes and much more than I can disclose here!
*No self-pity intended*

I wouldn't be living this life if a therapist had not walked in and reshaped it❤🙏

I couldn't figure out what I was going through but my parents were so helpful and took me to Dr.TrilokChander, who later turned out to be the most important person of our family!

I owe my happiness and success to you, uncle! Now and always!

Yes, I was sceptical in the beginning and felt that others or even my friends would label me as a person who is unlike them!

But, I gradually understood that getting out of an unhealthy mental state and being myself is better than struggling with inner demons to abide by the societal pressure!

And here, I thank every therapist who carries a part of our lives and burdens with them❤

Rambled by,




Kaviyakavi Baskaran

A writer who can write long-form blogs, social media copy, risky emails & texts, but stares at the wall and counts the cracks to write a bio about herself!